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Understanding the Three Essential Financial Statements (P&L, Balance Sheet, Cash Flow)
Hey there, fellow business owner! If you’re just starting out or looking to get a better handle on your company’s finances, you’ve come to the right place. After years of running my own small business, I’ve learned that understanding your financial statements isn’t just for the accountants—it’s essential for your success. Let’s dive into the…
How to Set Up a Bookkeeping System for Your Small Business
So, You Started a Small Business. Now What? You had a dream, you took the leap, and now you’re officially a small business owner. That’s huge!! But along with the excitement comes the not-so-glamorous side of running a business – keeping track of your money. Maybe you’re still tracking expenses on sticky notes (yikes), or…
Bookkeeping vs. Accounting: What’s the Difference?
Imagine your business’s finances as a well-organized closet (stay with me here). Bookkeeping is like putting everything in its right place—hanging up clothes, folding sweaters, and making sure socks aren’t floating around solo. Accounting, on the other hand, is analyzing that closet to decide what stays, what goes, and whether you need more storage space.…
Bookkeeping 101: The Bookkeeping Basics for Small Business Owners
Welcome to the JBV Bookkeeping blog! I’m Jessica Beason, the owner of JBV Bookkeeping, LLC. If you’re a small business owner, you’ve likely heard that keeping track of your finances is crucial — but what exactly does that mean? In this post, I’ll break down bookkeeping basics for small business owners, why it’s important, and…